Thursday, December 13, 2007

Advice For Living

Find something real in yourself that you are proud of, something that you can say with confidence that this good. Now focus on that, and live there for a couple of moments. After doing this you will be closer to lighting up the inside of your heart. This not just a mental exercise, it is a way of looking at life.

Do you sometimes feel that you are not able to find God? Do you feel that his presence is missing in your life?
The solution is much closer than you think. All you need is to do some truthful looking inside. You need to dig a little, to concentrate a little, and focus on the spark inside that is earnestly good. The place in you where there is true freedom and love.
When you connect and light up that part of your soul you are actually finding God who is residing in you.

Once you have discovered that point of good will in you be able to deal with world with fearless confidence. Even when you find yourself failing in many goals you’ve set for your self, or if your service of God is pathetic you still do not crumble because you are confident in your good core.

For example, if you find that you can’t learn as much Torah as you thought you would, or if you are not able to awaken your heart in davening, you might be tempted to throw in the towel and give up. “Forget about it,” you will say to your self, “I am not a spiritual person. Why am I even trying?”

But than you remind yourself that you believe in God, you have a strong core. You are part of the Jewish people who where chosen to proclaim the greatness of God in all generations. Just by being Jewish you are already doing for God. You are carrying God around in your particular heart and personality. This is a reason to celebrate.

Reb Nachman of Breslov once moved with his disciples to a city that was full of non-believers. When asked why he made this move, he said, that some of his close students were feeling dejected because of their perceived shortcomings in their spiritual work. Therefore he wanted to acquaint them with people who didn’t have any connection with God so that could be happy that they a least have a little faith in God.

Based on the teachings of Reb Nachman and his disciple Reb Nosson

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