Thursday, January 10, 2008

Baba Sali's Yahrzeit

Today is the Yahrzeit of the Baba Sali (The Praying Elder.) Once it was during Succos and person who was childless for many years came to the Baba Sali for a blessing for children. So the Baba Sali took out his Luav and esrog out and shook them again and prayed for this man to have children. He was very old so he pryed very softly but the gabai who was next to him listened very carefully and heard him saying the following; "Master of the world, I am willing to have my hands cut off in order to bring a salvation to this man and give him a child."


imad said...

so interesting
I like it

imad said...

so interesting

Sheeshabum said...

There is a biography of The Tzadik Baba Sali in english that is very well written, its available at most bookstores.